Friday, September 18, 2009

What is Enough?

I hear in so many conversations that their is not enough. Not enough jobs, enough money, enough resources, enough blue jeans, enough fun, enough opportunity, enough time, enough personal responsibility, enough love, enough freedom and the list goes on and on and on.

In other conversations I hear that "we" are not enough. How many of you have said at least one of the following about yourself at some point?

I am not:
  • good enough
  • smart enough
  • compassionate enough
  • skinny enough
  • happy enough
So if this language is in our day to day conversations, what are our kids thinking and taking in about the enough question? And better yet, how to we teach them the answer to the question - especially as it relates to money?

Seems to me that if anyone is to be good at making money decisions, they need to know what is enough for each purchase or giving or saving decision we face.

For myself, I start with these questions and try to figure out in the moment if I have enough:

Do I have enough right now?
Do I have too much right now?
Do I need more right now?
Do I just want more right now?
Do I have enough to give away to others right now?

What do you do to evaluate if you have enough?

How do you share this decision making with your kids?

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