Friday, January 2, 2009

Why Teach Your Kids About Money

If we are to start to share how to teach young kids about money, it makes sense to begin at the Why?

Here are a few reasons....

  • To ensure that children build the necessary skills to make informed financial decisions in their lives.
  • Training should start when children are young — by early elementary school age when money habits are already being formed
  • Kids who learn to manage their own money early are on their way to becoming financially secure adults.
  • Giving children the responsibility to earn, spend, save and share money helps build confidence and self-esteem.
  • Kids who give to others will benefit from learning that life is bigger than one.
Do you have other reasons we should keep track of? Let us know.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year's Resolution

Welcome to 2009.

If we ruled the world, it would be the year of educating kids in personal finance. But since we don't - how about if this blog serves as a place to get information, advice, and share tips, tricks and tools on how to teach young kids money skills?

Look for use to layout a simple plan to share what we know and we look forward to your comments, ideas and suggestions.

Welcome to the Year of the Money Smart, Wise, Savvy - Kid.